Researching for equality under lockdown: Problems and possibilities in virtual approaches
A summary of the event by Michele Paule The Inclusion, Diversity and Gender Network has concern for equalities at its heart. Many of us research human subjects who are vulnerable and/or marginalised, within complex institutional, domestic and cultural situations. The curtailment of in-person, face-to-face research activities presents us with a range of challenges in terms of access to participants, appropriate platforms, digital inequalities, quality of data and researcher-participant relationship. Following conversations arising as a result of the IDGN launch event where some participants had shared dilemmas they were facing in researching in lockdown, Michele Paule (one of the Network leads for the IDGN network) and Hannah Yelin (co-lead for the Creative Industries network) decided to offer a conversational workshop where we could discuss issues and how we were tackling them. We also wanted to facilitate sharing of experiences of online methods and helpful resources. ...